Location: Dawsonville
We are a fellowship whose primary purpose is to enjoy the presence of God, enjoy the fellowship of the saints, be conformed into the image of Christ and reach the lost. We have been doing home based fellowship since 2010 and have found that things go best when we lay out some basic doctrine/belief on the front end so that Read more... -
Location: Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne
We are a gathering of people from diverse backgrounds who meet in various homes, apartments or other locations around the city. We are intentional, rather than passive in our following of Jesus. We are focused on both inward and outward ministry. (E.g., we build up and equip one another as the Body of Christ as well as go into the Read more... -
Location: Hwy 43
An invitation for those who long to meet as a group of Jesus Christ believers to journey through life and scripture with. We are wanting an opportunity to meet with others that desire an authentic relationship, that want to go deeper in their relationship with God and each other. We are on a journey to follow after our Lord and Read more... -
Location: 1580 Co Rd 1303
Type of Church: Conservative (belief in spiritual gifts, but not charismatic); Belief in Scriptural inerrancy correctly defined and acts in agreement with the concept of the 5 Purposes of a New Testament Church: Evangelism, Worship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Fellowship Facilitators: Michael & Susan Voigt (Age: 51 and 53) Love food, music, college football, grilling, smoking, and cooking, our dog, kids, and Read more... -
Location: 1004 W 26th St
We are in the early stages of starting a House Church. Our plan is to meet on Sunday evenings for a meal, the Lord’s Supper/communion, prayer, teaching/sharing, singing, etc. as the Holy Spirit leads. Read more... -
Location: 8504 Crestview Dr
North Richland Hills
Just starting a gathering in my home seeking to encourage each other to love and good works. A gathering where we can have the differences of opinions but all under our Lord as Roman 14 says. It then goes on to say: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that through perseverance and through encouragement of Read more... -
Location: Bath
New York
Teaching / Writing ministry of Bill and Frances Furioso Free biblical articles and essays distributed worldwide. https://www.AtChristsTable.org Read more... -
Location: 43634 W McClelland Ct
ACTS CHURCH of MARICOPA is a church plant for 2023 led by Pastor Jonas Croissant (Reformation Seminary, ordained by Reformation Fellowship (Acst 2:42). The church plant at a glance: We are a non-denominational Reformed Baptist church seeking to imitate the New Testament church model. An elder-led family-integrated church. We have expository and systematic theology preaching on the whole Counsel of Read more... -
Location: 6706 Glasgow St
We are a home church movement, looking to advance the kingdom of our Messiah. We allow the Father to cultivate a culture of people spending time with him every day. If you are nearby living or visiting reach out to us. We are always looking for likeminded believers to fellowship with. ignitednetwork.org Read more... -
Location: Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge
Kerusso Baptist Church is a house church in Baton Rouge committed to boldly proclaiming “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2) throughout Louisiana and beyond. We exist for the glory of God and “for the sake of the elect” (2 Tim. 2:10). Our vision is to be strategically small so disciples of Jesus can experience true transformative fellowship. Join us Read more...