Location: Winder
We are seeking to start a new group in our general area in Winder Georgia. We desire to be a group of believers coming together to see the Love of the Father transform our lives. Jesus is our focus, the Word of God our source, and strengthening one another is our goal so that we can reach the broken and Read more... -
Location: Napa
We are a group of dreamers who want to see God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. As true worshipers who worship with spirit and truth, we want to serve Him and make disciples, from wherever we are to the ends of the earth. Through Christ Jesus we want to be a channel between God and His people. Read more... -
Location: 3931 Pearl Dr
Colorado Springs
The Shepherd’s Bible Home Church welcomes all individuals seeking God’s truths. We expose God’s truths by preaching and teaching the grammatical-historical method of Bible interpretation. We invite you to open your heart and allow God’s grace to penetrate into your soul. Our home church is focused and committed to bringing you God’s inerrant, infallible, inspired word. Please contact Pastor Bob Read more... -
Location: Orlando
We are a house church community based in downtown Orlando. We’ve been gathering as a covenant community since 2017, as well as leading a discipleship school from our community houses here. Our school is called “SOLD School” which is a way we bring people in to experience the family and life together as an immersion into our community life. Our Read more... -
Location: 4605 E Brae Ct
North Carolina
We meet on Sundays at 10:30 am and share a pot-luck style meal together. After the meal, we have an open meeting, where all are free to share whatever God has put on our hearts. There will be prayer at various times for one another. We typically also sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. Link: House church and Mega church Read more... -
Location: E Olive Rd
At the International Fellowship of Christian House Churches, our desire is for you to join the mission of God’s restoration. God, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is restoring all of creation. One of the ways that we partner with God is through loving people, and helping each person that comes to one of our house churches grow Read more... -
Location: Mooresville
North Carolina
Providence Bible Church is an independent Christian church located in Mooresville North Carolina. Our purpose is to glorify God together in truth and love through the promotion of worship in the proclamation of His Word, song and praise, the evangelization of lost sinners through the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the discipleship of faithful men and women unto faithful obedience. Read more... -
Location: 3301 N Elm Ave
Broken Arrow
I’m seeking to help others establish house churches in their homes. My wife and I are biblicists (for those who want to know if we have some sort of “denominational flavor”). We simply don’t have furniture in our apartment, and so are unable to host at this time. If you have a home you would like to to open up Read more... -
Location: 5304 Lakeshore Rd
Fort Gratiot Township
Believers body ministry to magnify Jesus. Read more... -
Location: 24 GA-15
Welcome to Abide in Christ Jesus. We believe in the foundation of the Biblical teachings. We believe in Christ Jesus is the head of the Church. Ephesians 1:23 – And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. We would like to connect with servants of Jesus Christ, Read more...