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Non-State affiliated Christian Church. No Christianity “Incorporated” here. This congregation is not a business. We serve God, not money, for His glory alone.
Jesus is the head of the church and our 1st love. From that flows our love for our Christian brothers/sisters and then our fellow neighbors. The Bible is our ultimate, inspired, infallible authority of divine revelation from God. Here, the neglected doctrine of the Priesthood of all Believers is emphasized and practiced by all (There is no Clergy/Laity distinction here – every Christian is an ambassador for Christ). There is one, and only one, mediator between God and man – the God/Man Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5). He alone is our eternal High Priest, Prophet, and King. No person needs the permission or mediatorship of other ‘mere mortal’ human beings (including their buildings/businesses) to become or be a Christian. Every Christian is personally chosen, called, and sent directly by the Father & Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Members of Jesus’ church have different roles and gifts that are used to serve each other on an equal, horizontal level. Anyone who claims a vertical position of authority between a Christian and Jesus is to be rejected as a usurper and an antichrist – the most extreme example being the Pope(s) of Rome [One office (name of the beast) filled by many moral men (number of the beast: 666) over time].
Worship in spirit & truth, Prayer, Bible Study, Discipleship, and Fellowship to equip the saints to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples is the Great Commission.
Without love, service, sacrifices of praise & thanksgiving, and bearing one’s cross (persecution) – one cannot be Jesus’ disciple. This congregation is neither a Christian social club that overemphasizes personal relationships to the point of idolatry nor a worldly, pompous entertainment center. It is a place that is medicinally hot for the spiritually sick and refreshingly cold for the spiritually weary in order to run the race and finish the course.
* False and apostate ‘christians’ (a.k.a HYPOCRITES), as listed below, need not come:
– Covert Wolves in Sheep’s clothing; Overt Goats; Chaff & Tares.
– Narcissists (proud, lying, lovers of their false self who are looking for a drug supply of people who will give them admiration of their supposed greatness and validate their lies); Nicolaitans (Authoritarian/Tyrannical/Cultic/Control-freak Lords); and/or Jezebels (who practice idolatry and sexual immortality) along with all of their fanatically loyal Good ol’ Boys/Girls (a.k.a. Flying Monkeys) who empower and support such self-serving, destructive, and wickedly sinful people without question.
– Those who emphasize leadership and pride (rulings and reigning as kings and queens) instead of servanthood and humility.
– Apostates in belief (faith) and/or practice (repentance).
– Anyone who denies the Trinity (one being in three persons). Those who deny the full deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ. Those who deny the personhood of the Holy Spirit.
– Anyone who attempts to put God on trial for the existence of evil.
– Those who teach that divorce is allowed by God for any reason. This is a great evil.
Those who teach divorce is never allowed by God. This is also a great evil.
Those who teach divorce is allowed by God only when a ‘professing christian’ spouse breaks just 1 specific commandment of the Decalogue (physical adultery). Apparently, there are those who believe and teach that God wants a true Christian to have faith-in; trust-in; and remain married to their false ‘professing christian’ spouse who habitually breaks any of the other 9 commandments of the Decalogue. Christians are directed by God to excommunicate any ‘professing christian’ from their congregation who habitually breaks any of the 10 commandments without repentance. These are major sins against God and one’s neighbor and it reveals an unregenerate heart that is not right before God. But then it’s claimed by some that a Christian can’t divorce their excommunicated ‘professing christian’ spouse too unless they had specifically committed physical adultery. This is not only another great evil, but an abomination that’s taught by the hypocrites in the churches who don’t want to get divorced for their own unrepentant chronic bad behavior of lying, idolatry, coveting, stealing, pride, spiritual adultery, etc. (Besides, how can someone commit adultery without breaking any of the other commandments? They are all interconnected.) What’s commanded by God in 1 Cor 5:11 and 2 Tim 3:5 doesn’t apply to only unmarried Christians. Divorce and excommunication are both in the same category of discipline applied to unrepentant, unregenerated sinners who falsely claim to be Christians yet are covert abusers who steal, kill, and destroy. Purge these evil people from your midst when Jesus opens the door.
– Those who teach that Christians can live a life of sinless perfection before the resurrection or who equate regeneration with resurrection.
– Those that teach that Christians should avoid trials for the sake of comfort and ease instead of rejoicing in trials for character development towards better reflecting Christ’s image for God’s glory. Worse yet are those that teach that Christians who endure trials and/or who are not healthy & wealthy are being judged by God for their sins. Anyone currently involved in the blasphemous word-faith movement.
– Those who teach that Christians have a license by God to sin or that the 10 commandments are obsolete under the New Covenant.
– Those who don’t see heterosexual fornication & adultery as being just as sinful in God’s eyes as homosexuality is. Those addicted to pornography.
– Those who teach that God can’t save a sinner until He first gets permission from the sinner to do so via a ‘sinner’s prayer.’ Anyone who believes that God can’t do an action to them without first being given permission to do so still has a heart filled with sinful pride. Any person whose prayers have ‘permission statements‘ to God in them – their prayers are an abomination. One who equates God’s sovereignty with ‘spiritual rape‘ is near being cursed. Anyone who doesn’t believe that God is the potter and we are the clay, and that He has the sovereign right to make out of one lump of clay some vessels for honorable use and others for dishonorable use. And the clay has no say in the matter.
– Anyone who starts their prayers with ‘My will be done‘ instead of ‘God’s will be done.‘
– Anyone who teaches that faith and repentance are not gifts from God graciously given by Him after regenerating the spiritually dead hearts of those He’s chosen. Any other order results in salvation by works/merit and robs God of His glory. Anyone who doesn’t believe that faith without repentance is as dead as repentance without faith.
– Anyone who teaches in freewill (the ability to make choices independent of internal desires or external influences – including God!) or that their moral responsibility to God and the forgiveness of their sins is based upon such. Anyone who teaches that God Himself has a freewill and is capable of choosing to sin if He should so desire.
– Anyone who teaches that even a single one of God’s elect can be lost.
– Anyone who believes that they and their Christian religious system/business model/building exclusively controls the means by which God grants grace and that people must go to and through them for worship, prayer, ministry, baptism, taking the Lord’s Supper, forgiveness, redemption, etc. Anyone who teaches that a Christian needs the personal permission from a church’s leader(s) to join or leave a local church.
– Anyone who teaches that it is a part of the Great Commission to try to set up the Kingdom of God politically (Church + State Beast with 7 heads & 10 horns), Christianize entire nations & cultures (ex. putting lipstick on a beast), and buy real estate and build buildings with elevated cathedrae/thrones/chairs, pulpits, and altars before the return of Jesus Christ. If God didn’t need Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem for people to be Christians (Acts 7:48-49; Hebrews), then He doesn’t need your expensive church building down on 1st & Main Street for people to be Christians either. The only one claiming otherwise is the false prophet who directs people to make an image of the beast (church buildings) that can speak (via chairs/thrones, pulpits, and altars). Anyone who worships the beast and his image and receives his mark will receive God’s wrath for their idolatry. The most extreme example of an image of the beast that speaks is from the papal cathedra/chair located in the Apse of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran in Rome (throne of that antichrist, that man of sin, that son of perdition). And there are many other antichrists with their false prophets in the Orthodox and Protestant Reformation churches doing the very same thing in practice (even if denying it in principle).
– Anyone who believes that the New Testament describes the Lord’s Supper as a small piece of cracker/wafer and a shot of grape juice/wine given in a mechanical ‘assembly line‘ fashion with no intervening, practical meal taken together in love. Anyone who believes that bread and wine are more than just symbols to remember the one, and only one, sacrifice of Jesus’ broken body and shed blood on the cross for the sins of the elect only. Anyone who believes Jesus doesn’t personally defend His own table and/or that He has delegated the defense of His table to other mere mortals who then decide who is worthy or unworthy to partake.
– Anyone who believes in infant baptism or a mode of believer’s baptism other than full immersion. Anyone who doesn’t believe that any Christian can baptism another who repents of their sins and believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
– Anyone who shows partiality and won’t hear both parties who are having a dispute.
– Anyone who teaches that the worldwide regathering of Jews back into the land of Israel in 1948 wasn’t decreed by God for His own purpose of fulfilling His promises to ethnic Jews by grafting them back into His Church shortly before or upon the return of Jesus Christ within one generation (approximately 70-80 years) of their regathering.
– Anyone who doesn’t teach in the physical, bodily future return of Jesus the Jewish Messiah from heaven to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel where He will rule and reign for 1000 years.
– Those that teach that the physical resurrection (rapture) of Christians and the physical, bodily return of Jesus are two distinct events separated by a period of years.
– Anyone who can’t look at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and clearly perceive that the Dome of the Rock is the Abomination of Desolation. Anyone who teaches that a 3rd temple will be built on the Temple Mount before Christ’s return.
– Anyone who inserts historical gaps of hundreds to thousands of years between Daniel’s 69-70th week and Revelation chapters 3 & 4 or who believes most, if not all, of Daniel and Revelation was fulfilled by the end of the 1st century.
– Anyone who believes that the Bible prophesies a future New World Order (NWO) that will result in a totalitarian one-world government before the return of Jesus Christ and who makes preparations in the present for such a future or who believes they will be raptured out of this world beforehand.
– Anyone who believes that the United States of America is another special nation called by God or who best manifests the Kingdom of God on earth (ex. the USA is a ‘Christian Nation – a ‘New Israel’); that the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution are biblical; that the American Dream is the measure of Christian success; that Jesus prefers either the Republican or Democratic party; or that the Kingdom of God is a democracy or republic.
– Anyone who believes that Mystery Babylon (Rev 17) is either the city of Rome, Jerusalem, or the ruins of ancient Babylon that is to be rebuilt. What was the big ‘mystery’ for 1st century Christians to label any of those 1st century cities, either literally or figuratively, as Babylon? Clearly, mystery Babylon didn’t exist in the 1st century when Revelation was written, but was prophesied to be the most powerful city in the world in terms of influence and wealth in the ‘end times‘ (No, it’s not Meca either). There is one modern city in the present world that exactly fulfills every detail that is described of her in Rev 16:19; 17; 18 – NYC (L.A. would be a close second). The USA is in Bible prophecy, but unfortunately, it’s negative. And because of that, the president, secretary, treasurer, and other ‘board members’ (who also double as Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Secretaries, Missionaries, etc.) of tax-exempt, 501(c)(3), state-affiliated Christianity ‘incorporated’ organizations will never have this preached from their pulpits inside their buildings (It wouldn’t be good for business). However, the Bible says, “Fallen, Fallen is Babylon that great city. Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins and share in her plagues.” God’s plan isn’t to ‘make America Great Again,’ but a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem in which righteousness dwells (the true ‘city on a hill.’)
– False Conspiracy Theorists; Paranoid Preppers; Armed Seditionists, Insurrectionists, Tax Evaders, and Rioters. Anyone who supports Alex Jones/Infowars or similar groups that promote fake news, propaganda, hoaxes, and disinformation for profit and/or pleasure. Anyone involved in White Supremacy, Christian Identity, British Israelism, or other such race-based racist ideological groups.
– Anyone who believes we are to ‘Focus on the Family‘ more than we love Jesus. Anyone who believes Jesus doesn’t will division and conflict between the elect and non-elect (especially the professing christian hypocrites) within the immediate and extended family.
– Those in the ‘Holier-than-thou‘ Home-School Movement who believe that God has promised to save all their children if they faithfully homeschool them (Where does the Bible state this promise?). This false belief makes the Home-School Movement a ‘Pharisee Factory‘ and does nothing more than add more unregenerate hypocrites into Christ’s Church. Worse yet are those home-school parents who pull their kids out of public school to protect them from the false theory of evolution and then teach them at home that the earth is flat.
– Human Traffickers: especially those in the ‘Holier-than-thou Home-School Movement‘ who use their own children as unpaid slave-labor for their ‘holy‘ private businesses. It will be better for you if a millstone was hung around your neck and you were cast into the sea than if you harm and exploit your own children.
– Anyone who supports Bill Gothard and the Institute of Basic Life Principles or similar authoritarian, legalistic, cultic organizations.
– Anybody currently a Freemason or involved in similar secret/gnostic societies.
– Those addicted to Alcohol & Drugs.
– Those that are also addicted to receiving adoration, praise, honor, and veneration (especially those who use Christians, churches, and ministries as a source of supply to fuel their sinful addiction while falsely claiming to be serving God instead of themselves). This is nothing more than a covert desire to be worshiped and is one of defining traits of the devil, the beast, and the false prophet. Their end is the lake of fire for their idolatry. And if you don’t repent, your end will be the same as theirs after Jesus tells you face-to-face, “I never knew you; Depart from Me you workers of lawlessness” (Matt 7:21-23). For God is a consuming fire.
– Those who cannot take criticism, admit when they are wrong, and take personal responsibility for their sinful actions and bad attitudes. Those who ‘point-the-finger‘ at others when they are wrong to get the spotlight off of them. Those who are incapable and/or who have no desire to repent of their sins. Those unwilling to pull the log out of their own eye before assisting others with the speck in their eye.
– Backstabbers & Traitors; Self-seekers;
– Money & Pleasure Lovers; Idolaters;
– Divisive/contentious/argumentative/quarrelsome persons;
– Chronic lying/deceiving/gaslighting/slandering/gossiping/manipulative/scheming/self-righteous/mask-wearing/proud/cowardly/pharisaical Hypocrites.We shall know you (unmask you) by your fruits (No true love of the Brethren; chronic lying; no peace; false doctrine; self-serving; and/or no repentance). If you fall into any of these stealing, murdering/hateful, and destructive categories after lying about your faith in Jesus in order to get through the door (Titus 1:16), you will be asked once or twice to repent. If you don’t repent after that, you will be shown the door and delivered unto your father – the devil. This is not only for the sake of Jesus’ sheep, but for your own sake when and if you do repent (Matt 7:20-23; 25:31-46; Luke 13:23-30). The Bible never says anything positive about an unrepentant hypocrite. Just as Satan can appear as an Angel of light, so can his wicked servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. While Christianity ‘Incorporated‘ is filled with unrepentant hypocrites (2 Tim 3:1-4), they will never enter God’s kingdom (2 Tim 3:5; Rev 21:8). And because of that fact – unrepentant hypocrites are not welcome here either (2 John 10, 11). Since we don’t have a Christianity ‘Incorporated‘ business to run, we don’t have to compromise Jesus’ Gospel by needing false and apostate christians to pay the bills (may your money and your religious tax credit perish with you).
What we do have are Christians who will share their gifts/talents with each other in love so that all can be sanctified (but don’t expect anyone to be mediators between you and Jesus). Meeting on Friday, Saturdays, or Sundays. Dates, times, and locations are flexible (you don’t need me or my home/property to become or be a Christian either!).
God will have compassion and mercy on some yet harden others according to His will alone. May God be praised!
May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus be with all of God’s elect, Amen. Keep yourselves from idols (ex. the world, clergy, and buildings).
The Salvation of the Elect is by God’s Grace alone; through the unmerited gifts of Faith & Repentance alone; in Jesus Christ’s incarnation, sinless life, death, resurrection, ascension, and return alone; according to the Scriptures alone; for the glory of God alone. Amen!
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